About Homeopathic Medicine
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What is Homeopathy?
Homeopathic medicine is a safe, effective and gentle 200 year old practice of traditional medicine that uses highly diluted naturally occurring substances to treat health conditions. In its arsenal of remedies, the most commonly used medicines come from plants, animals, and minerals. The World Health Organization (WHO) describes homeopathy “as approaching the patient holistically…, stimulating the spontaneous defense mechanism of the body, and using a minimum dose of the active agent”. Unlike conventional drugs, which act via biochemical means to bring about a local effect, homeopathic “medicines are intended to stimulate the body to fight the disease”. Homeopathic medicines are more complex, causing an individualized adaptive response so the body can reverse disease. It should be noted that homeopathy is not an umbrella term to describe “natural” healing methods such as herbal medicine, aromatherapy, and Chinese medicine. It is its own therapeutic system, based on a prescribed set of principles governing its practice.
What is the difference between Homeopathic and conventional Allopathic medicine ?
A major difference between these homeopathic medicines and conventional pharmaceuticals is that homeopathic doses are so diluted that toxic side effects are avoided. Homeopathy is different than allopathic conventional medicine. In order to find the right medicine, homeopathy is “based on individualized treatment for each patient…. [It is] only by understanding each patient’s totality of characteristics and peculiarities” that an appropriate medicine can be effective. That is, ten people with cold symptoms could need 10 different medicines depending on how the illness affects them. It is the nature of the symptoms, not the diagnosis, that indicates the remedy. For instance, an illness with a sudden onset, red, hot, dry face, glassy eyes, thirstlessness, high fever suggests Belladonna as the remedy regardless of whether the illness is a cold, sore throat, earache, or measles. Allopathy, on the other hand, differs in that prescriptions are made based on the diagnosis (cold, tonsillitis, hepatitis, etc.), rather than how the disease uniquely affects the person as a whole.
Is Homeopathic medicine effective?
Ample evidence exists of homeopathy’s effectiveness in treating many common non-life threatening illnesses, as well as epidemics, with hundreds of years of documented clinical experience and scientific research. More recently, independent studies have also confirmed homeopathy’s effectiveness. In Switzerland, which consistently ranks in the top five healthiest countries in the world (the US is 35th) the government analyzed “all available [published] systematic reviews” and found 90% showed homeopathy to be effective. Homeopathy’s effectiveness is based on its documented history as a traditional medicine in use for over 200 years, as well as a wealth of scientific evidence, a sampling of which can be found in the Homeo Source Research Section. Further, because the Food and Drug Administration requires homeopathic medicines to be manufactured in the US according to the specific guidelines of the Homeopathic Pharmacopeia of the United States (HPUS), their “constituent profile” remains uniform and, thus, not subject to continued testing to prove effectiveness.
Clinical and scientific evidence has established that homeopathy can be a safe and effective method for treating some illness or injuries when basic homeopathic principles are followed. However, it should never be used as the sole means of treating life threatening conditions.
Is effectiveness of Homeopathic medicine based on placebo effect?
Homeopathic medicines contain minute doses of plant, animal or mineral products leading critics to argue that any effectiveness is due to placebo. Myriad studies refute this assertion. As well, a 2014 review of scientific literature found that homeopathic and conventional pharmaceuticals share similar levels of effectiveness, indicating that some placebo effect is normal in any medicine – conventional or homeopathic. Peer-reviewed published research demonstrates that homeopathy’s effectiveness goes beyond placebo with positive results confirmed in people, and animals. It is difficult to argue placebo when the patient is a plant or an animal. The final assessment should be whether a medicine works. If it works, has no side effects, and is not addicting, health care practitioners should feel encouraged and confident in giving it.
Is Homeopathy safe?
Homeopathy is safe when manufactured according to prescribed standards in the Homeopathic Pharmacopeia and taken according to fundamental Homeopathic principles. The World Health Organization states, “There is no doubt about the safety of homoeopathy because the medical substances have been extremely diluted in homoeopathy drugs.” A study published in 2016 reviewed 6,055 patients and concluded that homeopathy has no more side effects than placebos and conventional medicine. And a more recent 2020 review and meta-analysis found the “proportion of patients experiencing adverse effects was significantly higher” in conventional drugs and herbs than in homeopathy.
Homeopathic medicines are regulated as drugs under the US Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, recognized by the World Health Organization, and covered by the national health services of many countries. They are neither “approved” nor “disapproved” by the US Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”) because they have proven safe and effective with over 200 years of use in medicine, well before the creation of the FDA.
They must meet the standards for strength, quality, and purity set forth in the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States (HPUS) and the FDA determines the conditions under which they may be marketed in the US. They are subject to the same regulatory requirements as other drugs and those meeting FDA and HPUS guidelines are marked “HPUS” on the label.
However, this does not mean that homeopathic medicines can be taken without regard for safety. These medicines, if taken in higher doses than required or for longer than needed or in particularly sensitive people, can create symptoms. If purchased from unscrupulous vendors, there is no guarantee they were manufactured correctly. They should not be used above the 30C potency or for chronic disease or pathological changes without the help of a professional or in an emergency. And they should never be the sole method of treatment in emergency or life threatening conditions.